I received an award from Vera a while ago and am finally passing it on, thanks Vera, sorry its late I didn't forget.
The rules are - pass this award to 5 people, post on their blog to let then know you have let the award for them. then answer the list of questons below:-
1. Where is your mobile?.... in my bag
2. Your hair?.... needing a cut
3. Your mother?.... dead
4. Your father?.... at home
5. Your favourite food?.... Italian
6. Your dream last night?.... can't remember
7. Your favourite drink?.... coffee
8. Your dream?.... A healthy long life
9. What room are you in?.... my craft room
10. Your hobby?... crafting
11. Fear?.... Spiders
12. Where do want to be in 5 years?.... in a house with a larger garden
13. Where were you last night?.... visiting my Dad
14. Something you aren't?..... Lazy
15. Muffins?.... lovely with a coffee
16. Wish list item?.... Martha Stewart punches
17. Where did you grow up?.... Cumbernauld
18. Last thing you did/.... prepared dinner
19. What are you wearing?.... Jeans
20. Your TV?... Lounge
21. Pet?.... none
22. Friends?.... A few very close ones
23. mood?.... Happy
24. Life?... busy, the way I like it
25. Missing someone?.... yes
26. Vehicle?.... Nissan
27. Something your not wearing?.... Earings
28. Favourite Store?.... John Lewis
29. Favouite colour?.... love lots, pinks
30. When was the last time you laughed?.... lunch time
31. Last time you cried?.... birth of my grandson
32. Best friend?.... my husband
33. One place I go over and over?... Ink Spot craft shop
34. Facebook?.... no
35. Favouite place to eat?.... at home with family
Gosh this was a marathon... I am passing this on to :-
I am passing ths on to :-