Friday, May 03, 2013

A quick post

I have not been around much lately, I have so much going on. My father-in-law was in hospital again with mini strokes, but has since recovered well. He has new medication to take, so fingers crossed he will be well for a while.

Our start to the holiday weekend is lousy. The rain is teaming down and it's not very warm. I am just jealous of all those folk in the south.

I made this quick card last night. My photo's are terrible as the light is very bad. Usually hubby takes my pictures but we are out tonight and I couldn't wait or I would miss the Less is More challenge. This simple die is a favourite and so versatile. 

I have used Memory box die, Papermania embossing folder' a little tearing and inking and not much else. 

I am entering this card into the following challenges:-

Enjoy the weekend.

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